
1916 Military Rosary Inspires New Combat Rosary

Men’s faith formation has been a pet project of mine for the last half of my 26 years as a priest. Among many things, I‘ve wanted us men to rediscover


“Neither theological knowledge nor social action alone is enough to keep us in love with Christ unless both are proceeded by a personal encounter with Him. Theological insights are gained


Here is an idea I’d like to propose to my brother priests. Make the Sacrament of Confession as accessible as possible. For me, I knew it was difficult (if not

Breaking Habitual Sins of the Flesh the Catholic Way

“Whenever you feel guilty, even if it is because you have consciously committed a sin, a serious sin, something you have kept doing many, many times, never let the devil


Drawing on the wisdom gleaned from centuries of devout Catholicism, St. Mary’s of Pine Bluff, WI, in 2005, sought to restore the treasure chest that is our Catholic faith. The

Archbishop Fulton Sheen: Make the Hour

 “You will have to fight many battles, but do not worry because in the end you will win the war before the Blessed Sacrament.”   RESOLVED TO MAKE THE HOLY

Be Extravagant, Be With Him!!

Drawing from the Palm Sunday Passion Narrative from the Gospel of Mark, we see two unusual inserts into this account. You can listen to my homily about these here. The Woman’s

The Miraculous Medal

The Story of the Catholic Miraculous Medal The story of the Catholic Miraculous Medal traces back to 1806, when a poor farmer’s daughter by the name of Zoe Laboure was

St. Benedict Medal with Exorcism & Blessing

St. Benedict Medal There is indeed no medal that possesses such wonderful power and none so highly esteemed by the holy Church as the Medal of St. Benedict. Whosoever wears

The *Very Best* Way to Pray for Holy Souls in Purgatory and Living Loved Ones

“As we enter heaven we will see them, so many of them coming towards us and thanking us. We will ask who they are, and they will say a poor