Computer Background Idea

Computer Background Idea

Here’s a way to stay true to your daily rule. Of course, you can customize it to whatever your schedule may be.

This incorporates all 7 Daily Habits for Holy Apostolic People. Along with the Liturgy of the Hours.

  1. The Morning Offering
  2. Spiritual Reading (at least 15 minutes)
  3. Mental Prayer (at least 15 minutes)
  4. Holy Mass and Communion
  5. The Angelus (at 6 a.m., 12 noon and 6 p.m.)
  6. The Holy Rosary
  7. Examination of Conscience (at night)

This is the background I chose to create my own “Daily Rule Background” for my PC. You can Google “backgrounds” to find any kind you like.


I created my personal “Daily Rule Background” HERE.

Here are two versions I created, with different dimensions.

