Nineveh 90 – My Day One

Nineveh 90 – My Day One

Last I checked, there were getting near 13,000 people signed up to receive the Nineveh 90 daily emails with the reflections and prayers. WOW!! THIS IS SO AWESOME!

I’d like to share my day one, to see who can relate …

  • Forced myself to get a full seven hours sleep – Feels great!
  • After my shower, I prayed my Morning Offering and Angelus.
  • Prayed the Rosary, using the 54 Day reflections and prayers.
  • Heading to the gym, this afternoon, for 90 minutes.
  • I am eating 5 small meals throughout the day, with a limit of calorie intake. Nutritionists say these little meals throughout keeps our metabolism reved up. I am doing low carb, and I am also juicing my fruits and veggies. My bad habit I am breaking is waiting until just before I go to bed to have the only meal I have all day.
  • My other “guilty pleasure” is diet soda. I will not have this for these 90 days.
  • I am walking for cardio … working toward walking 10,000 steps a day.
  • I will be spending quiet reflection time, with the Lord, toward the end of my day – 20-60 minutes.
  • I will conclude the day with my night time prayers.

What you see in the photo of this post are the tools I am using for Nineveh 90

So many are very excited, as am I, as we begin this journey. Please join us by signing up for daily emails at

Here is a great checklist you are welcomed to use …