
The Secular War on the Supernatural by Alice von Hildebrand

All the myriad life-and-death battles being fought on the socio-political and religious fronts today are mere symptoms of the root conflict treated in this inspirational address. Delivered by the esteemed

Something Happened in 1965 – “Did They Get Rid of Football?”

If we are wondering why we deteriorated to Reality TV Trump and Crooked Hillary, I would contend that we should begin by noticing that we went from the Pontifical High

Presidential Election Thoughts from a Catholic Priest

Judges Matter I saw this startling “dose of reality” floating around the Internet. Think about this: Justice Scalia’s seat is vacant. Ginsberg is 82 years old, Kennedy is 79, Breyer

The Post-Vatican II Experiment – The Results Are In

“Certainly, the results [of Vatican II] seem cruelly opposed to the expectations of everyone, beginning with those of Pope John XXIII and then of Paul VI: expected was a new

The Anti-Left Strategy of Two Popes

For your discernment, I wanted to share the thoughts of noted scholar and author, Desmond A. Birch. Here it is … “I was just on an ‘Aussie’ web page –

The Consequence of No Consequences

Food for thought from Roman Catholic Man’s guest writer, Fr. Bill Peckman: “It occurred to me as I was driving back from Jefferson City today, that perhaps the greatest problem

The Stealth Arianism of Our Times

For the past few years I have been confiding to close friends my own growing sense that something is happening. I have spoken with others who have admitted the same suspicion.

Things Accelerate Toward the End – Prophecy of Archbishop Fulton Sheen

“The final battle between the Lord and the reign of Satan will be about marriage and the family. Don’t be afraid … because anyone who operates for the sanctity of

Great Quotes from Pope Benedict XVI on the Holy Mass

On the Liturgical Reformers Creating a ‘Fabrication, Banal Product’ The liturgical reform, in its concrete realization, has distanced itself even more from its origin. The result has not been a

Judas – by Archbishop Fulton Sheen

In the past few years in the Church we have had many psychological and sociological studies, all attempting to explain why some priests have left their sacred calling. I presume