
Why Does Pilate Always Get So Much Empathy From Us?

“Because Pontius Pilate is the character in the Passion who is most like us.” Therefore Pilate said to Him, “So You are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say correctly that

Jefferson Bible Catholicism Awakens In Our Times!

The Jefferson Bible, was a book constructed by Thomas Jefferson in the later years of his life by cutting and pasting with a razor and glue numerous sections from the

Is Anger Always Sinful?

St. John Chrysostom “Only the person who becomes irate without reason, sins. Whoever becomes irate for a just reason is not guilty. Because, if ire were lacking, the science of

Is Contraception Gravely Sinful Matter?

Yes it is. And, if you have or are contracepting, you must cease immediately and seek forgiveness and redemption through the Sacrament of Confession before receiving the Holy Eucharist again.

Christianity & Islam: Are We At War?

By Father Mitch Pacwa, S.J.. This is one of the best summations of the current situation within Islam, and the ramifications for all the world. Please take the time to

Dr. Peter Kreeft: Spiritual History 101

Dr. Peter Kreeft writes: The story of our civilization can be told from different viewpoints. The history books usually tell it from only one point of view, and not the

What The Catholic Church Teaches About Contraception and Why!

This is a tough topic for many people to understand and to follow, but once the situation is examined in depth, I think it is easy for us to understand

Bishop Morlino: “It’s a Battleship, Not a Cruise Ship!”

(From Ben Yanke) At the Rite of Election on the First Sunday of Lent (Feb 17, 2013), Bishop Morlino spoke openly to the catechumens who were joining the church. He told

Did Thomas More and John Fisher Die for Nothing?

The Most Reverend Samuel J. Aquila, Archbishop of Denver, weighs in on the machinations of the Synod on the Family in Rome. I want to personally thank His Excellency for his

Cardinal Dolan and the “Inclusion of the New Minority”

The image I included for this article has always struck me. This is a photograph that was released by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, and is from the 131st